What is the most stressful thing in any MMO you have played before or for that matter any game you have played that requires co-op? Well for me in all my MMO experience, which is just two by the way, I find the most stressful thing for me is the 7th boss of TotVL, because I am the one that has to call the colors out. Now the first two stages are not bad for calling the colors out because you have some time to get the colors down, but when the third and fourth stage hit it gets kinda chaotic especially since I have to tank one of the adds. I have to worry about the colors and then picking up an add as well, now that is a lot of pressure imo. Then if someone dies on the third stage and you get to the fourth stage it adds even more because then you have to pay attention even more because the standard red to green to blue doesn't work anymore and you have to make sure two colors of the same don't touch at the end. Its fun but still stressful.
So what are your stressful moments in any game? It can be a story of just some fight or anything? Lets see if I can get more than a couple comments on this.
PS I was talking to Dell Support the whole time I was typing this and they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. I told him what was wrong than had to repeat my self a couple of times just to get my point across.
3 months ago